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Dr. G Venkata Narasimha Reddy
Principal, JNTUH College, KUKATPALLY
Specialized in Geotechnical Engineering. Research interests included Reinforced soil, ground improvement. Published over 60 papers in International / National, Journals / Conference. Has over 21 years of academic, research and Industrial Experience
According to National Education Policy (NEP), the learning process must be to Educate Encourage Enlighten. I can boldly say that we, the college family, are doing their finest effort to excel in every initiative that we pledged and we have stood together in facing the challenges in realizing the ecosystem of quality education. Even a single act of our academics and co- curricular activities is infused with the notion of perseverance and a never-say-die spirit to make our students virtuous and brilliant human beings with the virtues of critical thinking and problem-solving.
Nowadays, an all-round development and grooming of students is of supreme importance. I am very happy with the progress the college has made by making the college campus to be infrastructurally rich accompanied by technologically enabled and scholar faculty members. Through our campus we are creating an ecosystem for future leaders, entrepreneurs and professionals who possess skills and aptitudes in an array of functional disciplines.
I am confident that we will continue this journey by strictly following the NEP 2020 with great passion and firmly provide a platform of all-inclusive and equitable learning to the young learners. We are partners in the process of learning with our students, and give our best to make this institution a modern temple of learning through our diligence, devotion and dedication.